Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The idea that I admired the most was:
Despite their lives being at risk, why do people keep eating?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary: Fall #2

Vocabulary: Fall #2


1.       Obesity- A medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or health problems.

2.       Accumulate- Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

3.       Mass- The mass of an object is usually referred to as its weight.

4.       Disease- A disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors.

5.       Diet- A particular selection of food, especially as designed or prescribed to improve a person’s physical condition or to prevent or treat diseases.

6.       Prevalence- The condition of being widespread.

7.       Adolescent- In the process of developing from a child to an adult.

8.       Stigma- A mark or disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

9.       Prevent- Keep (something) from happening or arising.

10.   Cardiovascular- Of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels.

11.   Excessive- More than is necessary, normal, or desirable.

12.   Mechanism- A system of parts working together in a machine.

13.   Sedentary- (Of a person) Tending to spend much time seated.

14.   Predispose- Make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.

15.   Syndrome- a group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal conditions.


1.       I must eat healthy and exercise every day to prevent obesity.

2.       Yesterday I bought an accumulate amount of fries for the entire family.

3.       The mass of the chair was no more than 45 pounds.

4.       Running every day strengthens your immune system, which helps prevent diseases.

5.       My grandmother is on a low sugar diet.

6.       The prevalence of illnesses can be prevented by not attending school when you’re in that condition.

7.       The adolescent child is growing more and more each day.

8.       The stigma of obese people is that they eat more than what is necessary.

9.       In order to prevent from gaining weight you must eat less and healthier.

10.   Cardiovascular disease refers to any disease relating to the heart and blood vessels.

11.   People tend to excessively eat when they’re depressed.

12.   In any contact sport it’s important to come up with a defense mechanism.

13.   Sedentary lifestyle wishing to maintain their current weight.

14.   Predispose a person to a particular range of health problems.

15.   My nephew shows obsessive behavior and is uninterested in people, I think he has Asperger’s Syndrome.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Prose & Cons

Pros and Cons: Obesity

            Obesity has become a nationwide problem. The statistics state that 68.8% of Americans are either overweight or on the early stages of obesity, 35.7% of Americans are Obese, and 6.3% of Americans are in the extreme stages of obesity. The information that was just presented was just for the adults in America. For children the statistics state that 31.8% are overweight or on the early stages of obesity and 16.9% are obese. Who is to blame for these facts? Is it the fault of the consumer or the producer?

            A lot of people argue that the reason why there’s a lot of obesity in America today is because of all the fast food advertisements. For example, the article “Food Fight” states that the advertisements are very effective on both children and adults. It also states that the industry spends 30 billion dollars on advertisements a year. Why would they spend 30 billion dollars a year if it wasn’t effective on consumers? Another example, the article “How Fast Foods Are Causing Obesity in America” explains that fast food is highly available and affordable. They brain wash the people to think fast food saves both time and money. They offer too many easy calories and unhealthy ingredients to contribute to being overweight. The people who make this argument are usually one of the many overweight American citizens.

            Another possible argument is that it’s not the fault of the producer, but the fault of the consumer. The article “An Inactive Lifestyle” explains how many Americans aren’t physically active. It states that the reason for this is because too many people spend hours in front of TV’s and computers doing work, school work, and leisure activities. Another article that supports this argument is “Obesity is now a Disease.” This article states that because obesity is considered a disease people begin to think that it’s up to doctors and health professionals to cure them, relieving them of responsibility: the “it’s not my fault” syndrome.

            I believe that it’s the consumers fault for being obese. No one is forcing them to make the decision of eating fast food. The decision is entirely up to them. America has been fighting for the rights of the people and now that the people acquire the right to make their own decisions they don’t know how to make the right decisions. They can blame the industry and the fast food restaurants for inviting for them to eat their food all they want. It’s the same as if someone were to offer you drugs. You’re entirely responsible for either saying yes or no. If you do drugs there’s a high possibility you’ll get in trouble with the law, same goes for eating junk food. If you eat junk food there’s a high possibility you’ll gain weight and maybe even become obese. The people of America just have been making poor decisions. It’s all up to the next generations to either exterminate this or continue it.

            Just like anything else there’s always two sides of an argument. In this case it’s an argument between the consumers and producers. Some think it’s the industries and fast food restaurant’s fault for serving such unhealthy food. Then there’s the argument that the people are making very poor decisions when they eat. I honestly think that people who are obese try to blame anyone but themselves for their lifestyle. There are many ways to prevent obesity.


The Blame Game And Obesity in American (Synopsis)

This article tries to justify who's fault it is for so much obesity in America. Is it the businesses fault for all the advertisements on junk food, or is it the fault of the buyers? The article presents great support on both behave. Yes it's true that the businesses have incredibly low prices for food with an exponential amount of junk food. Then there's the argument that no one is forcing the buyers to invest their money in the food. I personally think that the buyers are to blame. Just because the food is cheap and can easily be acquired, does not mean they have to eat so unhealthily. We are free to make our own decisions for ourselves. I try to eat as healthy as possible and have had no health issues at all. I'm nothing near obesity.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Obesity is becoming common in America. Americans are getting fatter and fatter each year. This is a huge problem in my eyes. Obesity rates for children have doubled over the past 20 years and over weight children are being diagnosed with obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes, sleep apnea and respiratory illnesses that in the past have only afflicted adults. A huge cause for obesity are the fast food restaurants. Because of such high competition for their customer's loyalty, fast food restaurants have promoted huge burgers, extra servings of fries, and buckets of soda all for a low price! America wake up and small the coffee!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vocabulary: Fall #1

1.)Expository: (Adjective) Intended to explain or describe something.
-Alfredo wrote an expository essay about the experiences he had this summer.
2.)Composition: (Noun) The action of putting things together; formation or construction.
-Before every performance the group has to make sure everything is in composition.
3.)Assuage: (Verb) Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
-The letter assuaged the fears of most members of the group.
4.)Decadence: (Noun) Moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in a pleasure or luxury.
-The tall man denounced western decadence.
5.)Hackneyed: (Adjective) (Of a phrase or idea) Lacking significance through having been overused, unoriginal, and trite.
-Yesterday my grandpa said a hackneyed old saying.
6.)Coalition: (Noun) An alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government.
-The party was only able to govern in coalition with 3 or even 4 other parties.
7.)Transcend: (Verb) Be or go beyond the range of limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).
-This was an issue transcending party bodies.
8.)Meritorious: (Adjective) Deserving rewards or praise.
-A medal for meritorious conduct.
9.)Lurid: (Adjective) Very vivid in color, so as to create an unpleasant harsh or unnatural effect.
-Yesterday I wore a pair of lurid shorts.
10.)Petulant: (Adjective) Childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
-He was moody and petulant.


I learned that we don't exactly have the right to our own opinion. The statement that everyone is entitled to their opinion is true, however it doesn't mean we can act on that opinion. For example, if I thought that it was safe to drive through a red light. I have the right to think that but it doesn't mean I can act on that opinion and drive through the red light. This is what I got out of this lector.

Monday, August 19, 2013


1.) So far I've only discovered one factor that will affect my participation and/or experience in this class. It's the fact that I'm not familiar with using the Internet. I rarely lay hands on a computer. At the same time I'm happy I decided to take this class, because I know that I will learn a lot.
2.) I wouldn't say it was an awesome experience only because I participated in trail held my the Teen Court system to sentence a high school student, near my age, for abusing illegal drugs. It was a Monday afternoon during the summer and I volunteered to be part of the jury. I learned that drugs not only affect your health but it also affects your loved ones and peers around you. In other words I learned to think before I act. I can say it changed my life and persuaded me to never want to take the path of drugs.
3.) I am looking forward to expanding my vocabulary and to become a better reader. I think I've I accomplish these goals it will prepare me for College! Honestly I can't ask for more from a high school teacher.


1.) School/public library.
2.) Book Store
4.) Family(hand me downs)

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Racism will forever exist in this world. No matter if millions of people around the globe have the desire to end it. Racism in America will never be defeated, says the author of this article. Kevin McCullough states that he observes both the blacks and whites, and has come to the conclusion that they will be offended by his accusations regardless if he has taken a side or not. White's will believe that he's attacking them. African American's think he's trying to champion them in their grievances. He states, ''The truth is neither, the truth is both, and the truth will never be admitted.'' Personally, I agree with what Kevin McCullough states in this articles. Racism wont ever come to an end until both sides of the racist parties let go of the past and focus on the future. Time's are changing. People are changing. Society is changing. I believe racism can come to an end, only if everyone is willing to contribute to this. In other words the racist people need to be more open minded. For they are still living in the past.
The article by Kevin McCullough:

What's Your Big Question?

Is there another planet similar to our's? Is the idea of other unknown species sharing our world possible? Growing up and being exposed to television is the reason why I wonder these things. Have people really seen space shuttles fly in the night sky, or is it simply a figment of their imaginations? Have people been abducted by aliens, or have they just gone insane from all the drugs they inject in their bodies? How is it possible for people such as Leonardo Da Vinci to have so much knowledge on inventions that weren't invented until the 20th century? Was it because he's a brilliant human being, or is the theory of him being visited by aliens true? If aliens really do exist then wouldn't that contradict everything in the bible? I can ask these questions all day, but for what purpose? They will never be answered, at least not during my life time.

It's All Latin To Me

"Dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe."
Translation: Dare to be wise when the beginning is half done, begin.
Explanation: A wise thing for someone to do after they've began the class and have adjusted to the different learning method is to continue and not give up.

Will This Blog See Tomorrow

To be honest, Dr. Preston I was very judge mental about your program. I thought it was a horrible idea, but then my friends that took your course last year told me it was their favorite class and they hate school. They told me that this style of learning wasn't only very interactive but fun. I am sincerely sorry for judging this book by its cover. It's kind of ironic for using that metaphor since we don't really use books in this class (so I'm told). I look forward to having a great year! The only thing I'd like to ask you is to never give up on me; I'm not the fastest learner and in return I won't give up on the class no matter what challenges I face in my near distant future.