Tuesday, January 14, 2014


1.) Accoutrement(noun)- Additional items of dress or equipment,or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity: The accoutrements of religious ritual.
2.) Apogee(Noun)- The highest point the development of something; the climax or culmination: The White House is considered the apogee of American achievement.
3.) Apropos(Adverb)- Used to state a speaker's belief that someone's comments or acts are unrelated to any previous discussion or situation: Isabel kept smiling apropos of nothing.
4.) Bicker(Verb)- Argue about petty and trivial matters: Whenever the phone rings, they bicker over who must answer it.
5.) Coalesce(Verb)- Come together and form one mass or whole: The puddles hand coalesced into shallow streams.
6.) Contretemps(Noun)- An unexpected and unfortunate occurrence: The hotel had to deal with more than one contretemps before the end of the night.
7.) Convolution(Noun)- A coil or twist, especially one of many: Crosses adorned with elaborate convolution.
8.) Cull(Verb)- Select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources: Ancedotes culled from culled from Greek and Roman history.
9.) Disparate(Adjective)- Essentially different in kind; not allowing compromise: They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.
10.) Dogmatic(Adjective)- Inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true: He gives his opinion without trying to be dogmatic.
11.) Licentious(Adjective)- promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters: He was such a licentious person that he would not heed the law, and was totally immoral.
12.) Mete(Verb)- Dispense or allot justice, punishment, or harsh treatment: He denounced the maltreatment meted out to minorities.
13.) Noxious(Adjective)- Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant: The were overcome by the noxious fumes.
14.) Polemic(Noun)- A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something: His polemic against the cultural relativism of the sixties.
15.) Populous(Adjective)- Having a large population: Los Angeles is very populous.
16.) Probity(Noun)- The quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency: Everyone desires financial probity.
17.) Repartee(Noun) Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies: His presentation today was repartee.
18.) Supervene(Verb)- Occur later than a specified or implied event or action, typically in such a way to change the situation: Any plan that is made is liable to be disrupted by supervening events.
19.) Truncate(Verb)- Shorten something by cutting off the top or the end: A truncated cone shape.
20.) Unimpeachable(Adjective)- Not to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy: An unimpeachable witness.

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